Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Its Here!! The New Avionics Technicain Handbook

After 3 years and hundreds of edits, rewrites and reviews we have finally put out Part 1 of a 2 volume Avionics Books every pilot, mechanic and technician should have.

Over a thousand photos and diagrams. 421 pages in 11 chapters.  This is a true book that teaches technicians on the selection and use of avionics test equipment. This first volume alone cover 5 different types of meters and oscilloscopes.  This include the processes for troubleshooting a simple wire in an aircraft. This first volume covers pitot and static test equipment, compass calibration equipment and fuel quantity indication equipment.

This first volume contains the best description of not just the individual components in an aircraft cockpit but the operation and position of each system, unit and control in most general aviation and air carrier aircraft.  This volume contains a chapter on Attitude and Heading systems such as the attitude indicator to the attitude director indicator found in GA and air carrier cockpits.  Include in this section is a description for Inertial navigation and reference systems.  These subjects will prepare technicians for the NCATT add on ratings for portions of Autonomous Navigation. It is my desire to cover all of the subjects required for the NCATT Add On rating certification in both books.

I am really proud of this book and really looking forward to finishing the second volume.  This book is available for sale on amazon right now and later today on my website.
